Ragging is an offence punishable as per law- resulting in imprisonment and / or heavy penalty.

[REF.: University Grants Commission Circular No. F.1-16/2009(CPP-II), dated September 2009 as per the order of the Hon. Supreme Court of an India vide ref. no.: In SLP No. 24295 of 2006.]

  • Ragging means causing physical and/or mental trauma to a person as a result of physical abuse, manhandling, using abusive language or gestures or forcing to perform acts that may cause physical/mental damage.
  • Ragging is a social, cultural and psychological menace.
  • Students are urged to keep-up the glorious tradition of the Institutions and not to indulge in any activity within or outside the campus that may be construed as or amounts to ragging.
  • Any student, if found involved in any such activity directly or indirectly shall not only be expelled from the Institution, but the matter will be reported to Police / Legal authorities, for further necessary action.

National Anti Ragging Help Line (UGC Crisis Hotline)

24×7 Toll-Free Number* 1800-180-5522